Well, the car of Apple's project is no longer just speculation and rumors, the American company has already begun efforts in this area and there are 200 people working on a project codenamed Titan, but also this does not confirm that it already will be launched, we know that 2020 will see the launch if things were good until the final, but always such projects are likely to be stopped at any moment.
Large market
But why electric cars? Because it is simply the next global trend in technology, and today there are several car manufacturers such as BMW and General Motors, or even IT companies such as Tesla actually entered this area. Even in 2020 it is expected that companies enter more track to become especially crowded by manufacturers for regular cars even does not become out of the game, for this see Apple they will enter this market and change in a new revolution the world of transportation, not just the car conversion from run on gasoline to run on electricity, self-driving .
During the past months, Apple launched a financial temptation and steal the staff and expertise of IT companies in several disciplines, particularly the field of batteries from Tesla and even Samsung and A123, which began persecuting campaign. And extended recruitment campaign for the formation of the current development team to reach the staff had previously worked in the auto companies such as Ford and Mercedes, because the electric car eventually share a lot with regular car.
Currently owns Apple enough money to buy several cars existing companies, but it will not benefit anything from this, Valohmah is not in the car as a product itself, but in the technology be introduced to it, it is likely that the Apple outsource its cars to external companies industry as in the iPhone, only the marketing and the development of techniques ranging from private cars operating system through the integration between various devices and the car itself and even time.
According to statistics, the US auto sales volume last year reached disembark As the average price of the car a little more than 31 thousand dollars 16.4 million this makes the size of the US auto market to exceed $ 500 billion. And this huge opportunity for Apple will allow it to achieve $ 50 billion in revenue that the new 10% market share achieved only.
By anass